
Title Season Episode # First Aired
Red Nose of Courage 6 1 09/Apr/92
Slags 2 7 11/Feb/84
South Atlantic Raiders (1) 5 1 01/Feb/90
South Atlantic Raiders (2): Argie Bargie! 5 2 08/Feb/90
Space Virgins from Planet Sex 7 2 29/Apr/93
Spaghetti Hoops 5 5 01/Mar/90
Summer School 1 5 31/Jan/83
Susie 2 3 14/Jan/84
The Beat Generation 1 3 17/Jan/83
The Bullshitters: Roll out the Gunbarrel 2 8 03/Nov/84
The Crying Game 6 2 05/May/92
The Strike 4 1 20/Feb/88
The Yob 4 4 12/Mar/88
War 1 2 03/Jan/83
Wild Turkey 6 3 24/Dec/92

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