Billy Ocean / Hill Billy
Episode Number:
First aired:
Friday January 6, 2006
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Other Episodes in this Series:

Title Season Episode # First Aired
Billy Ocean / Hill Billy 6 60 Friday January 6, 2006
Keeper of the Reaper 6 61 Friday January 13, 2006
The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name / Major Cheese 6 62 Friday January 20, 2006
Modern Primitives / Giant Billy and Mandy All Out Attack 6 63 Friday January 27, 2006
The Wrongest Yard / Druid, Where's My Car? 6 64 Monday March 20, 2006
Herbicidal Maniac / Chaos Theory 6 65 Tuesday March 21, 2006
A Grim Day / Pandora's Lunch Box 6 66 Wednesday March 22, 2006
Billy and Mandy vs. the Martians 6 67 Thursday March 23, 2006
Dumb-Dumbs and Dragons / Fear and Loathing in Endsville 6 68 Friday May 12, 2006
Dad Day Afternoon / Scary Poppins 6 69 Monday June 5, 2006
Hurter Monkey / Goodbling and the Hip-Hop-Opotamus 6 70 Monday July 10, 2006
Spidermandy / Be A-Fred, Be Very A-Fred 6 71 Monday July 24, 2006
The Crass Unicorn / Billy 6 72 Wednesday August 9, 2006