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Other Episodes in this Series:

Title Season Episode # First Aired
Raid 5 120
Biozoid 5 121
Departing on a Journey 5 122
The First Town 5 123
A Duel 5 124
Mountain Hideout 5 125
Mountain of Grief 5 126
Underground Water Passage 5 127
Hot Springs Village 5 128
Indecision 5 129
Companions on a Journey 5 130
Infiltration 5 131
Dominance 5 132
Escape 5 133
Seperation 5 134
A Meeting 5 135
Rage 5 136
Reunion 5 137
Crimson 5 138
Determination 5 139
Homecoming 5 140
An Oath 5 141
Hayate 5 142
Arrogance 5 143
The March 5 144
River of Fog 5 145
Road to Recovery 5 146
Legend 5 147
Secret 5 148
Devil's Forest 5 149
The One Left Behind 5 150
People of the Sky 5 151
Prenotion 5 152
Assault 5 153
Surprise Attack 5 154
Fall Apart 5 155
Raid 5 156
Charge 5 157
Triumphant Castle Enterance 5 158
Bio Particle Cannon 5 159
Coup 5 160
Secret Meeting 5 161
Key 5 162
Takeoff 5 163
Inheiritance 5 164
Fatal Flaw 5 165
Seperation 5 166
God's Lightning 5 167
Climactic Battle 5 168
Rebirth 5 169