
Title Season Episode # First Aired
Tumbleweed Derby 4 24 13/Nov/82
Twenty Thousand Screams Under the Sea 1 9 17/Nov/79
Up a Crazy River (7 min) 4 35 11/Dec/82
Vild Vest Vampire (7 min) 4 21 06/Nov/82
Waxworld (7 min) 2 19 20/Dec/80
Way Out Scooby (7 min) 2 28 10/Jan/81
Wedding Bell Boos 5 23 10/Dec/83
When you Wish Upon a Star Creature 1 11 01/Dec/79
Where is Scooby Doo? 5 22 03/Dec/83
Where's the Werewolf? (7 min) 4 36 11/Dec/82
Who's Minding the Monster? (11 min) 5 21 26/Nov/83
Who's Scooby-Doo? 4 15 23/Oct/82
Wizards and Warlocks (11 min) 5 9 08/Oct/83
Yabba's Hustle Rustle (7 min) 4 3 25/Sep/82

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